Online Driving School Programs
Check out our complete range of online traffic school programs and driving courses.

BDI: 4-Hour Basic Driver Improvement
This 4-hour traffic basic driver improvement course is designed to assist drivers with safe driving strategies, accident prevention, and overall safety precautions.

MDI: 6-Hour Mature Driver Improvement
The Mature Driver Course is a state-approved course by the Department Highway Safety Motor Vehicles (DHSMV) for drivers 55 and older.

IDI: 8-Hour Intermediate Driver Improvement
This Intermediate course is 8 hours, for those who have recently taken a 4 hour class. It is an extended basic driver improvement curriculum focusing on driving strategies.

ADI: 12-Hour Advanced Driver Improvement
This 12-hour advanced driver improvement course is designed for multiple traffic offenders and other high-risk drivers who have had their license suspended or revoked.
Know More About Our Traffic School Courses

Level 1 DUI Course
Course Description: Court-ordered or DMV mandated class and evaluation after a first DUI or Felony Drug Arrest (F.S.S.893). The program includes two parts:
A one-hour individual, private evaluation interview.
Course instruction: (4-hours class on Friday and 8 hours class on Saturday) involving lecture, videos, discussion, and group interaction.
Length: 13hrs (interview included)
Level 2 DUI Course
Course Description: Court-ordered or DMV mandated class and evaluation for individuals with more than one DUI arrest and/or DUI amended to Reckless Driving in their lifetime and those who have previously attended a DUI school. The program includes two parts:
A one-hour individual, private evaluation interview.
Course instruction: (4-hours class on Friday, 8-hours class on Saturday, and 8-hours class on Sunday) involving lecture, videos, discussion, and group interaction.
Length: 21hrs (interview included)

Special Supervision
To apply for the BAIID (Breath Alcohol Ignition Interlock Device) program, applicants must meet specific criteria based on the length of their revocation:
- 5-year revocation: Applicants must wait twelve (12) months from the revocation date before applying.
- 10-year revocation: Applicants must wait twenty-four (24) months from the revocation date before applying.
For both 5 and 10-year revocation applicants, there is an additional requirement: they must abstain from driving and avoid consuming alcohol or illegal drugs for at least twelve months before starting the application process. For more information and preparation, taking a DUI online course can be beneficial.
Breath Alcohol Ignition Interlock Device
An ignition interlock device (IID) or breath alcohol ignition interlock device (BAIID) is a breathalyzer-like mechanism installed inside your vehicle to prevent starting the engine if the driver’s breath-alcohol concentration exceeds state limits. Before the car can start, the driver must blow into the device. If the alcohol level is too high, the engine won’t start. In some cases, mobile devices may be available upon request.
Required to install an IID on your vehicle? Contact us for more information or assistance with our DUI online course options.

What Happens When You Get A DUI?
It’s Important To Know If You Do Not Act Within 10 Days To Get Your Hardship License After Your Arrest:
You Get A 90 Day Suspension Before You Can Get Your Hardship Drivers License.
You Get A 30 Day Suspension Before You Can Get Your Hardship License.
Your Driving Privileges Can Be Suspended For 6-8 Months. Never Lose Your Ability To Drive For Work Will Your Criminal Trial Is Pending, Which Can Take Up To 18 Months Or More!
After Enrolling Into A DUI Program, You Must Go To The Hearing Office At
- 3718-3 W Oakland Park Blvd, Lauderdale Lakes, FL 33311, or
- 7795 W Flagler Suite 82C, Miami, FL 33144
To Recover An Immediate Reinstatement Of Your Driving Privileges On A Restricted Basis.

Thomas "Hollywood" Henderson's Testimonial
Thomas “Hollywood” Henderson is a former NFL linebacker for the Dallas Cowboys, Houston Oilers and Miami Dolphins. Henderson was a first round draft pick, Pro Bowler and Super Bowl Champion. Thomas Henderson has a storied career in the NFL but was perhaps most known for his off the field troubles. “Hollywood” Henderson suffered from addiction for many years but has since turned his life around with the help of drug addiction counseling.
Now over 30 years clean and sober, Thomas Henderson now spends his time lecturing across the country, changing the lives of thousands of people suffering from addiction.

Contact Us Today And Let Us Help You Through This Tough Time